Got Screwed? Think twice before burning the bridge!

Right now, there’s no question that the digital world has changed marketing drastically. It can be easy to forget about traditional methods in this age of social media and infinite reach. But as with all things in life, you need balance! It’s awful to get messed over, yet it happens to the best of us. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been taken advantage of, and the sad thing is that it might have been prevented if the other side had signed a contract. If you’ve been messed over like me, the first emotion that comes to mind is rage. I know it’s challenging to maintain control, but keep in mind that you can’t allow your emotions to get in the way of your goals. It will only serve to muddle your judgment. Rather than allowing your anger to consume you, attempt to terminate the relationship on amicable terms. Even if this means you’ll come out on the short end of the stick, the other party won’t be able to say anything negative about you. But, of course, you also don’t want to mention anything negative about them after the relationship is finished.

For example, when I initially began out in the company, I cuss out individuals who messed with me. Unfortunately, this resulted in burnt bridges, and unfortunately, it cost me future consulting opportunities since some of those individuals posted nasty remarks about me on the internet. Later on, I learned to swallow my pride and apologize to those people, prompting them to withdraw their derogatory comments about me. Fast forward a few years, and I’m still being screwed, but I’ve learned how to quit relationships amicably. For example, the previous firm that scammed me lost $19,000 in sales, but a few months later, they suggested me to another customer, resulting in a $240,000 boost in revenue. Granted, most things will not go your way, but if you don’t destroy bridges, things will come back to you in your favor sooner or later.

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