Complete Guide to Building a Successful YouTube Channel

YouTube is the second largest search engine globally, with over 1.5 billion monthly active users. It also has a staggering number of videos uploaded every day, making it one of the most popular social media platforms for audiences around the globe to consume content. If you’re thinking about starting up your own YouTube channel but are unsure where or how to begin, this guide will show you everything there is know about building an online empire from scratch., The “how to be a YouTuber for beginners” is the complete guide to building a successful YouTube channel. It contains all the information you need to start your own YouTube channel and grow it into something extraordinary.

Content marketers may find possibilities almost everywhere. Different websites, different channels, and different kinds of information. A little site you may have heard of is one that I believe is grossly underutilized: YouTube. Nothing even comes close to it when it comes to video-sharing sites. Take a look at this: YouTube has a user base of over one billion people. Over 4 billion video views are seen each day by those billion individuals. You may discover virtually any kind of audience on YouTube, implying that almost every company can profit from marketing there. While other video sites have good traffic, most companies could start on YouTube today and succeed since it is still relatively untapped. In reality, just a tiny percentage of companies spend on YouTube marketing. Why? Because it’s a challenge. When comparing the costs of a video and a blog post on the same subject and with comparable levels of quality, the video will cost more. The expense may be justified for intelligent companies, but the increased barrier to entry deters the others. This article is mainly for you if you’ve been thinking about marketing on YouTube or if you’ve just begun and aren’t sure where to start. Do you want to create a YouTube channel that will be successful? Then, across all of your document applications, organize all of your ideas in one location. I’m going to teach you how to build a successful YouTube channel from the ground up. Your videos will get views, which will result in subscribers and revenue for your company. Do you want more visitors to your website? Improve your traffic, leads, and income with the assistance of a professional. Get started now.

Because video is still content, you must begin with a target audience.

You should approach a YouTube content plan the same way you would any other channel’s content strategy. Your material should be tailored to the audience you wish to target. The more you identify your specialty, the more visitors respond to your material. There are three significant things you must consider at this stage.

Aspect 1 – Personality type: The first consideration is the kind of person you want to produce content for, which should be the same as the person who purchases your product (s). For example, if I were starting a channel today, I would focus on producing content for company owners and marketers since they are the ones who purchase my training courses and employ me as a consultant. Make an effort to be even more detailed. Consider the following scenario:

  • newbie marketers
  • experts in marketing
  • North American marketers

By being more precise about the expertise level of your subject and area, you can frequently limit your target. A small audience is beneficial since it enables you to tailor your material even more precisely. You can’t cater to both novices and specialists simultaneously; therefore, at least half of your audience will be disappointed if you attempt.

Aspect  2 – What are their goals? The second step in identifying your audience is to determine their primary objectives. Is it because they want to earn more money? Make their house more appealing? Learn to cook more effectively? Want to get in shape? And so on… Determine what matters to them the most. It should ideally relate to your product, although this isn’t always the case. I could, for example, produce material for “professional marketers who wish to get in shape.” Even if such videos aren’t directly connected to my goods, they catch my target market’s interest. This would enable me to get my marketing advice and, ultimately, my goods in front of them. The goal of content marketing, which includes YouTube videos, is to grab your target audience’s attention. So, whether or not it’s directly related to your product, if you notice a need that hasn’t been met, fill it.

Aspect 3 – What is their preferred method of consumption? Finally, perform a quick common sense check to see whether the audience you’ve identified is interested in receiving their answers in video format. It doesn’t have to be the whole audience, but it should be a significant portion. Certain kinds of material work well with video:

  • tutorials
  • summaries of strategies
  • education on a particular subject
  • protests
  • product evaluations

Marketers, as well as just about any other audience, would appreciate fitness advice delivered through video. It makes sense since it’s the most straightforward method to demonstrate motions and explain complicated concepts. However, it is not appropriate for all kinds of material. For example, let’s suppose your target audience is looking for information. Because a video isn’t readily scannable, providing a list of tools and resources is impossible. You’re ready to go on to the next stage after you’ve identified an audience with a particular need that can be met using video.

3 Steps to Creating Viewable Videos

YouTube marketing is comparable to SEO in many ways. One of your primary objectives for gaining views will be to rank in YouTube searches without putting in any more work than your first marketing. You could attempt some black hat SEO techniques to obtain the additional pictures, but that’s never a long-term answer. Instead, you should make videos that people desire to watch. It consists of three stages.

  • Step 1 – Choose between accomplishing and entertaining: Consider why someone might watch a video. There are only two explanations for this. They either want to be amused or learn something to help them solve an issue. You must ensure that your film achieves at least one, if not both, of these goals. Understanding this is critical since it will influence how you create your movies. Does a lengthy introduction assist your audience in knowing what they’re looking for? They don’t give a damn about a theme tune. This isn’t a television program. Is it essential for the audience to know all about the problem? No, once again. They want their answer to be provided in the shortest time feasible. Your aim should be to make your films as helpful as possible since this will attract subscribers and long-term viewers.
  • Step 2 – Quality always comes first: Although YouTube is far from saturated, one element that always amazes me is the quality of the videos produced by favorite channels. They soon realized that people would not watch videos of poor quality. Consider blogging: the standard rate of material has recently reached a high point, and there are still many companies generating unappealing content with little value. You’ll come across two significant kinds of high-quality movies, both of which you’ll probably want to make yourself. Let me explain what I mean by quality: I refer to the video’s visual appeal. High-quality videos appear professional because they have good lighting, aren’t blurry, and appear to have taken time and effort to create them. The first is a traditional white background. In his videos, Derek Halpern often utilizes it:


It not only looks professional, but it also emphasizes you rather than some odd backdrop items. The whiteboard video is another popular kind of video, in which narration is done with drawings on a whiteboard. These look fantastic and are a fun way to teach complicated things. How do you make these kinds of videos? Making a movie with a white screen backdrop (or a green screen) is very simple. It will cost you a few hundred dollars to get set up in a photography store the first time (for a low-cost version), but it will last you a long time. After you’ve installed the screen, all you need now is an excellent camera to begin shooting. Unfortunately, the whiteboard videos are more complex. If you don’t have the necessary illustration abilities, you’ll have to pay someone to draw it for you. To locate a whiteboard explainer video maker or designer, post a job on any of the leading freelancing sites, and you should receive a few candidates with experience: You’ll need to edit a high-quality video in addition to shooting it. To retain the viewers’ interest, good editing enables you to make the movie flow smoothly from one part to the next. If you don’t have the necessary abilities, you’ll have to employ a freelance video editor.

  • Step 3 – You must establish a reputation for yourself: It’s similar to having your TV program’s own YouTube channel. Subscribers who will view your videos regularly are required. That is why, no matter how excellent a video is, it is insufficient for YouTube marketing success. For example, consider a television show’s pilot episode. Even if it has high ratings, it does not guarantee that it will be renewed for a second season. Therefore, you must commit to uploading videos to your channel regularly. Take, for example, Derek Halpern, whom I already mentioned. According to my estimates, he has about 90 videos on his channel. Over a few years, he produced them.


This accomplishes several important goals. For starters, it allows him to build a subscription base. If your initial video fails to get a visitor to subscribe, maybe another of your videos on the sidebar will. Furthermore, if a subscriber likes a video, there’s a high possibility they’ll share it. Every time you post a new video, you’ll get more views due to this. The amount of ideas your films will get does not follow a straight line. It will begin slowly, but it will expand rapidly over time, like a snowball. If you’re going to conduct whitehat video marketing on YouTube, allow yourself a year or two to see results—though that doesn’t imply it can’t happen sooner.

Begin with the fundamentals of video SEO.

The next stage in making your movies perform for you is optimizing the search engine. Your main objective is to get a video to appear in YouTube search results, but it will also appear in Google results:


Videos often appear in Google results, resulting in a significant amount of views for your video.

I wouldn’t count on your video appearing in Google since videos don’t appear in all searches. It may, however, be a significant boost to your views, and you can increase your chances of appearing in searches by targeting phrases that include the following keywords:

  • tutorial
  • review
  • test
  • What is the definition of?
  • video
  • explanation
  • explanation
  • walkthrough

Now, let’s return to YouTube optimization. There are two primary components of the ranking system that you must optimize.

Part 1 – Information about your video: The first thing YouTube considers is whether or not your video is related to a search query. It’s a simple search engine that searches your movie for keywords in three areas:

  • the name
  • the explanation
  • the tags

You don’t have to — and shouldn’t — stuff your keywords. Instead, include your keyword once in the title, once or twice in the description, and once or twice in the tags if appropriate. Here’s an example of a report from Brian Dean’s highly ranked “advanced SEO” YouTube video:


He mentions the keyword both at the beginning and at the conclusion. But, as you can see, the description is much more than simply the keyword. YouTube doesn’t have much to work with regarding video ranking. The title is just one line long, and tags should not be given too much weight due to the little information they provide. As a result, the description becomes the primary source of extra data for YouTube’s algorithm. You’ll naturally add relevant keywords in a thorough explanation of the video, which the algorithm may use to comprehend the movie’s subject. This will make ranking for relevant keywords much simpler.

Part 2 – User interaction and feedback: Not unexpectedly, YouTube’s algorithm uses a method of ranking videos comparable to Google’s. Instead of relying only on the basic information given by the uploader, it also considers how viewers engage with your movie. The basic idea is that if viewers express that they like your film, it’s a good one to share with others. It is, of course, ranked higher by the algorithm. So, how does it appear? When assessing a video, YouTube considers a few main user input categories. The first is how much of the video is seen by most viewers. It’s a terrible indication if they all leave after the first 10 seconds. However, if 50% to 60% of your visitors watch the whole video, that’s great. You can verify this in the statistics section of your account, where you’ll see a graph similar to the one above.

What other sources of input does YouTube have?

  • Overall views – From YouTube’s viewpoint, a video must be excellent if it receives many views without assistance in the search results. More views usually equate to higher ranks (as long as the audience retention is good).
  • Users may also give a video a thumbs up or down by giving it a thumbs up or down. Again, this ratio should be as high as possible.
  • Views to subscribers – If a video is excellent, many viewers will click the “Subscribe” button underneath it. Similarly, after viewing a terrible tape, no one will subscribe.
  • Views to favorites or social shares – People will only share a video if they enjoy it, just like they subscribe to it.
  • Comments – If a video receives a lot of feedback, it may be excellent. YouTube can’t place too much emphasis on the number of words since some of them are nasty.

YouTube calculates an appropriate score for each video based on these criteria to choose how to rank it. Making high-quality films is the most important thing you can do to improve these engagement metrics (as discussed above). However, you can accomplish a few more minor things, which I’ll demonstrate in the remainder of this article.

Views are everything. 

While many variables influence YouTube rankings, the most significant is the number of quality views. When I say “quality views,” I refer to a scenario in which the typical viewer watches most of the video. As a result, the results for virtually any keyword will have one thing in common: all videos will have many views. Here’s an illustration:


The lowest view count of the top results for “advanced SEO” is over 3,600. It’s critical to comprehend what an algorithm considers “a lot.” The gap between zero and two thousand is more significant than the difference between two thousand and two hundred thousand. You’ll be able to rank after you’ve accumulated a few thousand views. Why? Because YouTube now has a big enough sample size to compare your video’s engagement to that of others. Things like retention and rating may now be used as ranking criteria. The bottom line: To rank high, you don’t need hundreds of thousands of views, but you do need to obtain your first few hundred and, if feasible, the first few thousand views on each video. As your subscriber base grows, you won’t need to concentrate on marketing since your videos will get thousands of high-retention opinions from your followers. You have a lot of choices for promoting your films when you’re just starting. I’ll show you four of the finest examples.

  • Option 1: Cross-promotion: Cross-promotion is a fantastic place to start if you already have a name in your field. The concept appears in a video produced by prominent YouTubers in your area to expose their viewers. It’s something Rand Fishkin does all the time:


You should ask the channel viewers where your video is shown to subscribe to your channel after this video. Make sure the description includes a link to it. To discover these channels, go to YouTube and search for significant terms in your field, then look at the number of subscribers the top page people have. I could, for example, check at Josh Bachynski’s channel, which scores well for “advanced SEO.” When you click his name under the video, you’ll be taken to his profile, where you’ll see his subscriber count in red:


The higher the number, obviously, the better. Target at least 20-30 people who have many subscriptions. Find their email addresses and give them a proposal for a video that you can make for them. At the very least, you should receive a few guest appearances.

  • Option 2: Email your followers about your videos: Why wouldn’t you share high-quality films with your audience if you’re making them? Better better, why don’t you write a blog post to go along with each and include the video in the article? This is precisely what Derek Halpern regularly does:


Readers may then pick whether to read your article, watch your video, or do both. It still counts as a view if they watch the video when it’s embedded on your site. If you already have a few thousand email subscribers, you can get your YouTube channel up and running quickly if a significant percentage of those subscribers also view your videos.

  • Option 3: Email outreach: YouTube videos are similar to any other kind of material. Email outreach is one of the most effective methods to market them. Make a list of the most influential blogs in your field and contact them about the video. If they believe their audience would like it, ask them to share it with them and explain why you think they would.
  • Option 4:  Advertising: Businesses may also purchase advertisements on YouTube to promote their videos:


The typical cost per thousand views is between $10 and $30. I believe you could down the price even further with experience. Doesn’t it make sense to pay $50 to advertise a film that costs a few hundred dollars (at the very least) to produce? I believe it does, especially if you don’t have many subscribers.

Don’t squander those opportunities.

You should have a solid concept of how to create videos and acquire first views at this stage. Assuming Then, assuming my are good, YouTube should send you a steady supply of organic visitors. But keep in mind why you started a YouTube channel in the first place. It isn’t to gain attention. It’s to boost your company’s sales. So let’s take a step back and think about where YouTube could fit into your sales funnel:


It’d be at the very top. It’s the marketing route to attract your prospective consumers’ attention. However, getting them into your website and onto your email list is the next stage.

  • Part 1: Include a call to action to encourage people to subscribe to your YouTube channel: To get someone to do anything, you must first ask them to do it. You want your viewers to subscribe to your channel in this instance. Subscribers will be informed of new videos, and a sizable percentage of them will view all of them as they are released. This not only helps you rank higher, but it also offers you another way to attract these visitors to your website. Sure, some viewers will subscribe to you without being asked, but most will not. All top YouTubers use a call to action because it substantially affects their viewer-to-subscriber conversion rate. You have a few distinct call-to-action choices; I suggest that you try them all with your audience. The first approach includes a large “Subscribe” button after each video. You can see how it might work. You’ll need to change your Google Adwords settings to get access to YouTube’s CTA (call to action) panel to add the button. The second approach is to just utilize annotations on your videos, which you may do after they’re uploaded. Take a look at how “BBALLBREAKDOWN” uses annotations to encourage viewers to subscribe to the channel or watch another video:


They compared the conversion rate of this strategy to that of a control group with no CTAs and discovered that CTAs converted 31 times better. Finally, towards the video’s conclusion, you may urge viewers to subscribe for a few seconds. Because most viewers won’t turn off the video while you’re (or your narrator) still talking, this may work better.

  • Part 2: Include a link to a landing page in the description to collect emails: You’ll need a link someplace to direct visitors to your website. You may try adding it to your videos, but your description is the ideal place to put it. All of your video descriptions should include a link to a landing page for a related newsletter:


Don’t simply link to a blog post since blog posts don’t convert and landing pages.

YouTube marketing techniques that are both simple and important

You’ve learned almost all there is to know about creating a successful YouTube channel. However, there are a few last pointers I’d like to share with you that may help you succeed. The first is that creating a popular YouTube channel takes time. You may acquire millions of views in no time if you have an extensive email list or current connections with influencers to leverage. If you don’t, plan to produce excellent films for at least a few months before you start receiving thousands of organic views, as most companies do. If a few videos fail, don’t give up; keep trying. The second point to remember is that you will get unfavorable feedback from time to time.

There are two kinds of negative feedback, each of which should be handled differently:

  • Troll remarks – they aren’t meant to be taken seriously; they’re intended to elicit a response from you. You can’t do anything about them but ignore them.
  • Honest feedback – you have a lot of space for improvement when you first start. Take it as a chance to learn and better your future films if someone says anything genuinely critical about your video.

Finally, keep in mind that YouTube is a marketing platform. You should not base your company on it, just like you shouldn’t develop your business on any other marketing channel. Instead, try to get those YouTube viewers to return to your website so you can expand your email list. In this manner, your company will be OK even if YouTube bans your account for whatever reason.


For companies interested in content marketing, YouTube is a great marketing option. Almost everyone uses YouTube, and there isn’t much competition yet. I’ve shown you all you need to know, including the kind of films you should make, how to stay consistent, how to obtain free views, and how to convert visitors into sales. You must now take action. If you’ve been thinking about YouTube marketing, now is the time to do it. Make a strategy based on everything you’ve read here, and get started making your first video as soon as possible. Do you want more visitors to your website? Then, improve your traffic, leads, and income with the assistance of a professional.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a successful YouTube Channel 2020?

A: To make a successful YouTube channel, you have to create your content and share videos consistently. You also need enough views per video to rank high on the search engine rankings of YouTube for specific keywords related to your niche. These keywords will be determined by what people search for most frequently regarding whatever you do online or offline.

How much money do you need to start a successful YouTube channel?

A: This is a complicated question. Many variables come into play, including the amount of time you plan to put into your channel and how much money it would take to sustain yourself as an artist through YouTube earnings.

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